Wafra is Qalaa Holdings’s platform company for agricultural production in Sudan and South Sudan and includes the rights to more than 500,000 feddans of land through investments held under portfolio companies Sabina (324,000 feddans in Sudan) and Concord Agriculture (250,000 feddans in South Sudan). Wafra engages in large-scale cultivation of cash crops including grain sorghum, maize, sunflower, rice and various grain legumes for sale in the local market. In 2012, the Sabina farm completed the rehabilitation of more than 200 km of irrigation canals that will supply water to its own land as well as 13,000 feddans for local farmers. Sabina has also completed demarcation of its 324,000 feddans of farmland that has established clearly defined lines on both topographical maps and on the ground to insure that all stakeholders are aligned.
Read MoreUnited Company for Foundries (UCF) is Qalaa Holdings’s platform company in the metallurgy and foundry sectors. UCF Group manufactures grinding media and all types of castings, in addition to automotive parts. UCF predominantly caters to the cement plant consumables business, namely grinding balls and grinding media.
Read MoreGrandview Investment Holdings Corp. (Grandview) is an investment company established by Qalaa Holdings' and co-investors to invest in mid-cap companies in the Middle East and North Africa region with a focus on Egypt. It has invested in key industries including printing and packaging, healthcare, textiles, restaurants, oil and gas services and building materials. Grandview targets companies with an enterprise value of less than USD 40 million. Grandview is managed by Sphinx Capital, a private equity management company.
Read MoreNational Petroleum Company Egypt Ltd (NPC Egypt) and National Petroleum Company SAE (NPC SAE), two wholly owned subsidiaries of Golden Crescent Investments Ltd, are upstream oil and gas exploration and production platform companies with a MENA footprint.
Read MoreNile Valley Petroleum Limited (NVPL) is Qalaa Holdings’ inactive oil and gas exploration and production platform company operating in Sudan and South Sudan. In June 2008, NVPL started acquiring participating interests in three highly promising blocks: Blocks 9 and 11 in Sudan’s central region, and Block A in South Sudan. As of February 2015 the concessions (blocks 9 and 11) have been permanently terminated.
Read MoreThe National Oil Production Company (NOPC) is a Cairo-based upstream oil and gas exploration and production company. In September 2007, NOPC acquired 100% of Canada’s Calgary-based Rally Energy for USD 868 million. Rally had a 100% operating interest in the Issaran heavy oil field, an onshore asset in the Gulf of Suez. Rally also holds a 30% stake in the Safed Koh block in Pakistan’s Punjab Province, where it is participating in the development of a natural gas discovery.
Read MoreTanweer is Qalaa Holdings’s investment vehicle in the media and retail sector. It has three subsidiaries, all of which are leading regional companies, namely Dar El-Shorouk, book retailer Diwan Bookstores and Al-Kateb.
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